State Corporation “Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies” (RUSNANO) initiates the implementation of projects on Nanotechnology centers development in Russia, intended for solving the following tasks:
technological and marketing support of start-ups in the nanotechnology;
incubation of innovative companies;
adaptation and implementation of new technologies in the nanoindustry.
Creation of each nanotechnology centre is an integrated multifunctional project, for successful implementation of which the involvement of special skills is required. In the 1st – 2nd quarters of 2011, RUSNANO plans to hold open competitive tenders for selection of organizations, specializing in the following feasible directions:
1. Owner’s engineer («technical agent»);
2. Special infrastructure designer (scientific part);
3. Suppliers of high-tech equipment;
4. Engineering company on Nanotechnology centers construction management.
Complete purchasing documentation is available on the portal «В2В-Rusnano».
The selection of high-tech equipment suppliers and its procurement within the budget allocated by RUSNANO will be held in the 1st – 2nd quarters of 2011, during the implementation of Nano-scaled Technologies Centre project on the basis of Technopark “Idea”.