Professional trainings in USA and Canada.

28 december 2010

The results of open competitions on rendering of services for the organization of upgrade qualification of post-graduate students and staff of State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training “Kazan State Technological University” in the Research and Education Centers of USA and Canada were summarized on October 20th, 2010.

Services providing for the organization of upgrade qualification in the fields of:

- chemistry and polymer and composite materials technology;

- chemistry and energy-saturated materials technology;

- integrated development of hydrocarbons resources;

- nanotechnology, nanomaterial;

- advanced material energy and resource saving technologies.

The customer is State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training “Kazan State Technological University”.

Technopark “Idea” won all the competitions and on November 30th, 2010 State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training “Kazan State Technological University” and Technopark “Idea” signed the State contracts for the provision of services for the organization of upgrade qualification of 66 post-graduate students and staff of Kazan State Technological University in the Research and Education Centers of USA.

Training was held from the 1st of December, 2010 till the 25th of December, 2010 at Arizona State University.

The Program included a course of lectures and visits to specialized laboratories in the following directions:

- chemistry and polymer and composite materials technology;

- chemistry and energy-saturated materials technology;

- integrated development of hydrocarbons resources;

- nanotechnology, nanomaterial;

- advanced material energy and resource saving technologies.

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