Seminar of the Laser Centre.

19 april 2010

April 28, 2010 seminar “Laser systems: Trotec company and its products offer on the Russian market. Programs of equipment delivery. Financial support of adoption” will be held in the Technopark “Idea”.

Organizers of the seminar are Ministry of Industry and Trade of RT, JSC “Innovative Technopark “Idea”, “Laser Center RT” LLC, Representation of Trotec GmbH in Russia and Bank VTB 24 (Close joint-stock company).

The seminar program will consist in 5 parts:

1. There will be lecture about works which are holding in the Republic of Tatarstan for creation of Centers of collective use of equipment. The speaker will be a representative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of RT.

2. There will be lecture about conception of creating Centers of collective use of equipment. The speaker will be a representative of the Technopark “Idea”.

3. There will be lecture about goals, tasks and work of the “Laser Center RT” LLC in the Republic of Tatarstan. The speaker will be general director of the Laser Center RT.

4. There will be lecture about laser technologies and equipment of the Trotec company, programs of the equipment delivery, system of technical and technological support of customers, delivery of spares and consumable materials. The speaker will be a representative of the Trotec company in Russia.

5. There will be lecture about financial instruments (credits, leasing) for customers enterprises of equipment of theLaser Center. The speaker will be a representative of the Bank VTB-24 in Kazan.

Also there will be presentation. It will be demonstration of technological and technical opportunities of systems “Trotec Speedy 300” and testing marking of products and materials of the seminar participants.

Those who will conclude a supply contract on the day of the seminar will give 5% discount on equipment.

There will be stand-up meal and free discussion. All interested people are invited. The participation is for free. It is necessary to preliminarily register by phone +7 (843) 258-72-64 or via e-mail

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