Yokogawa held a training of students of Kazan institutes of higher education.

13 april 2010

Since March, 2009 Yokogawa has resumed the training of four and five-year students of the control and automation faculty of Kazan State Technological University on a free basis. In 2010, inaddition KSTU, students of Kazan State Energy University also involved in the training which are studding in “Automation of technological processes and production” faculty.

All courses include theoretical and practical studies. The training is held on following directions: control of technological processes, controlling and measuring apparatus, systems of technological processes automation. Also students have opportunity to undergo pre-graduation practice in the Kazan branch of “Yokogawa Electric CIS” and the possibility of further employment.

Courses for the study of new technology and software are held by highly skilled specialists of the company which have extensive theoretical knowledge and wide experience of practical work in the field of industry automation.

Study rooms are equipped by projection equipment, computers, demonstration plants and samples of existing equipment. Using modern technologies to study courses considerably increases efficiency and quality of specialists’ preparation.

We would remind you that on November 26, 2008 the company “Yokogawa Electric CIS” Ltd. had opened Technical Center on the basis of the company branch in Kazan which is located in the Technopark “Idea”.

Source: tpidea.ru
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