World-known company “Honeywell” has become a resident of the Technopark “Idea”.

2 april 2010

Honeywell is a global leader in the field of automation and control systems, aviation and cosmos, and also production of high-quality special materials. Turnover of the company was 30.9 milliard dollars. At the present time about 122.000 employees are working in the Honeywell more than 100 countries which provide customers by technologies and equipment for automation and maintenance of buildings, production of automation of combustion action, systems for generation of electricity, special assortment of chemical production, fibers, plastic, electronics and advanced materials in the whole world.

Areas of Honeywell’s activity are:

Automation and control

Systems and services for buildings

Automation for houses

Industrial automation

Sensory control

Systems for aviation and cosmos

Aerospace service

Landing systems

Aerospace radio electronics

Engines and systems to ensure its efficiency

Federal production and technological processes

Materials for chemical and electronic industry

Materials for electronic industry

Polymers and materials for chemical industry

Systems for energetic and transport

Materials for motor industry

Systems for energetic and transport


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