Representatives of this authoritative international financing organization has met with residents of the Technopark “Idea”.

9 december 2009

On the 9th of December, 2009 representatives of this authoritative international financing organization has met with residents of the Technopark “Idea”. In the meeting took part general director of “Module-engineering service” LLC S.M. Parshin, commercial manager of “Engineering and implementation Center “Techno world” LLC A.N. Mamedov, technical manager of “Active systems” LLC Alexey Shchukin, director of Private educational institution “GKS-Science” V.V. Prokkoev, director of State centre of measuring means test “STP” LLC (it is metrological center) V.A. Fafurin and director of “Laser Center RT” N.V. Nasonov.

Analysts of the World Bank held a discussion with the residents of the Technopark. The main issues which were being discussed during the talk consist history of company creation, its success history, role of the Technopark “Idea” in company development, and also further plans and perspectives of the organization.

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