Selecting of innovative projects on program “START-10”.

30 november 2009

On the 26th of November, 2009 selection of innovative projects for financing of Foundation for assistance to small innovative enterprises in scientific and technical sphere (hereinafter referred to as FASIE) on program “START-10” was held in the Technopark "Idea".

Vice-president of All-Russian public organization of small and middle-scale entrepreneurship “Support of the Russia”, chairman of committee “Support of the Russia” on micro financing and credit cooperation development Pavel Sigal, general director of the Technopark “Idea”, member of Russian Union of innovative and technological centers Sergey Yushko, director on innovation of the Technopark “Idea” Oleg Ibragimov, and also members of the Club “U.M.N.I.K” were a part of the expert jury.

6 projects were presented to the experts 3 of which were selected for the financing of FASIE on the program “START-10”. The goal of this program is the assistance to the small innovative enterprises which are on the initial stage of development in the holding of research and development works of innovative high technological goods and services development and creation that have big potential of commercialization.

The projects that won:

  • “New ecological method of contraction of epoxidation stabilizers of halo butyls from domestic raw materials” –the head of the project is Tatiana Rudenko;

  • “New high-performance controller of construction composites maturing” – the head of the project is Sergey Krasnov;

  • “Production of modifier “PFM” for roofing and waterproofing” – the head of the project is Ruslan Kemalov.


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