On the 24-25 of November, 2009 Festival “We like LEGO” had been held at secondary school № 18.

26 november 2009

The organizers of this event were Ministry on youth affairs, sport and tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan, Innovative Technopark “Idea”, “Laser Centre RT” LLC., the Centre of programming and robotics “IDEA”, “Innovative decisions of education” LLC. and municipal autonomous comprehensive institution “Secondary school № 18 with in-depth thorough study of English language”.

The Festival “We like LEGO” is interactive program for the rising generation aimed at increasing of their interests in the sphere of information technology.

The goals are:

· assistance of process of system improvement of vocational guidance and training of skilled engineering staff for high technological and innovative sectors;

· adoption ideas of technical creative work in youth environment as a prestigious area of activity which favor to effective realization of personality vital strategies;

· forming of stable interest of youth to 
technical creation, development of young people command cooperation;

· forming of young innovators groups, young technical elite.

Schoolchildren of 1-4 classes of secondary school №18 participated in the festival. They had formed 12 teams. Every team should assembled without assistance some composition of LEGO, gave original name for their team, invented device, made wall newspaper and defended their project. Jury estimated projects on those 5 criteria.

The jury included schoolchildren of 5-6 classes which are engaged in the Centre of programming and robotics “IDEA”.

Winners who won a first place were presented diplomas made by one of the event organizers, resident of the Technopark “Idea” – Laser Centre RT. Other participants received letters of commendation.

Source: tpidea.ru
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