A meeting of the Club “Business angels”.

16 november 2009

Report of implementation of interactive environment for projects selection Deal Flow in the Technopark “Idea” was being presented during the meeting.

Members of the Club were informed about Russian pilot program of innovative projects development “Business partner” which is realized within the framework of cooperation with the Foundation for assistance to small innovative enterprises in scientific and technical sphere (FASIE).

The program “Business partner” starts within the bounds of crisis management actions of the FASIE on innovative projects development. The main task of it is a forming of new 
consumer niche oriented to goods and services market and also Universiade-2013.

The perspectives of the further cooperation of the Club with the FASIE and state corporation “ROSNANO” also were discussed on the meeting.

Also members of the Club considered issue of the Club “Business angels” establishment as a legal entity.

Members of the Club were informed about forthcoming conference of Russian Business angels which will be held on the 17th of November, 2009 in Moscow.

Source: tpidea.ru
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