State centre of measuring means test began its work in the Technopark “Idea”.

13 november 2009

Metrological centre “STP” has been resident of the Technopark “Idea” since May, 2009. On the 6th of November, 2009 “STP” Ltd. was accredited in the capacity of State centre of measuring means test and was registered in state list of measuring means by № 30138-09.

The main directions of the activity of State centre of measuring means test “STP”:

1) Development and metrological certification of methods of flow, quantity, liquid and gases level measurement fulfillment;

2) Metrological examination of technical documentation;

3) Testing of measuring means of flow, quantity and level for the purpose of type confirmation;

4) Verification of measuring means of flow, quantity and level;

5) Development of normative-technical documentation and organization standards;

6) Metrological examination and certification of assemblage of cost keeping, liquid and gases quantity;

7) Advanced training courses.

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