Technopark “Idea” took first place among 13 large-scale business centers of Kazan.

16 october 2009

According to the results of the research which was held by analytical group of magazine “Business quarter” Innovative Technopark “Idea” was a leader among the large-scale business centers of Kazan by number of resident companies and leased office areas in fact.

Methodology of TOP-list making:

The large-scale business centers (total area is more than 1 700 sq. m) took part in the TOP-list. The TOP-list had included office buildings which are rented by strange organizations or manage company. There had been taken into account buildings of A and B classes.

At the first stage specialists of the analytical group of the magazine “Business quarter” analyzed open sources, carried out expert inquiry among specialists of the office real estate market.

The range of companies which can give more detailed information for the participation in the TOP-list was determined by the results of the received information. Also indicators which were used by ranking were formulated with the help of expert commentaries.

At the second stage specialists of the analytical group offered to the management or owner companies complete the questionnaire and give necessary data of its objects. The received information had been rechecked.

The main ranking indicator is leased office areas in fact (thousand sq. m), and also there were additional indicators such as number of residents, total area of infrastructure premises (sq. m) and others.

Source: The magazine “Business quarter” № 20 (36) from 12 October, 2009

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