Space Bridge with Moscow, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and Zelenograd.

25 september 2009

Videoconference communication session with organizations of entrepreneurship development infrastructure of the Republic of Tatatrsatn, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow and Zelenograd was held for the purpose of detection of main problems and hardship with which small innovative companies in regions were faced and ways of its decision.

Director of small and middle-scale entrepreneurship development department of Ministry of economic development of Russia Andrey Sharov, assistant chairman of State Duma of RF Boris Grizlov on innovation Dmitri Samoilenko, expert of World Bank of innovation I. Goldberg, head of programme “Partnership of atomic cities – CNCP” (Great Britain), head of Representation of “HTSP Limited” company Patrick Grey, and also representatives of structures of small entrepreneurship support in regions took part in the Space Bridge.

Participants of the Space Bridge marked out a number of problems which impede formation of integral national innovative system. This is absence of general information space for small innovative companies, scarcity of innovative applications, problems of bureaucratic procrastinations and exportation by small companies, students drawing into innovative activity and others.

Andrey Sharov resumed and marked out 4 main problems of Russian modern innovative infrastructure:

1) Nonsusceptibility of innovation to economy;

2) Problems of personnel (deficit of competent manager commands):

3) Small quantity of application for development of innovative projects and offers on small innovative businessorganization;

4) Deficit of production premises for small innovative businesses.

According to Andrey Sharov it is necessary to make accent on creation of technoparks and production premises for small innovative businesses in Russia, and also increase number of small innovative companies 200 times as much.

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