Presentation of investment potential of the Republic of Tatarstan.

15 september 2009

On the 14th of September presentation of investment potential of the Republic of Tatarstan has been held in the Plenipotentiary representation of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation before members of Association of the European business (AEB) in Russia.

AEB is unique organization in Europe, developing cooperation between the Russian and European business circles. The association purpose is improvement of trading and investment climate in Russia in interests of the companies-members, and also creation of favorable image ofRussia abroad, conditions for development of business in the country and attraction of foreign investors. Created in 1995, it unites today about 600 European companies and banks working in Russia.

Representatives almost 50 banks went to the presentation. Participants and visitors were welcomed by minister of the industry and trade of the Republic ofTatarstan Ravil Zaripov, general director of AEB in Russia Frank Shauff and chairman of commercial and industrial chamber of RT Shamil Ageev.

Opening the presentation, Ravil Zaripov has noticed that crisis is not eternal, and tatar people have got used to work on an advancing therefore our republic is the leader in many directions.

The minister has told about some large investment projects and investment platforms which successfully work today in a direction of development of economy of the Tatarstan. In particular, it is a special economic zone of "Alabuga", «Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan», Innovative Technopark "Idea" and other projects successfully realized in the republic.

With the report his assistant Linar Latypov also has acted. He has noted as perspective directions of cooperation communications between Association of the European business and Republic of Tatarstan: telecommunications, civil and road building, preservation of the environment, tourism, trade, development of small and average business which take on special significance in connection with preparation and University game carrying out in Kazan in 2013.

Performances of the minister and his assistant have been developed and added by head of a territorial administration of Federal agency on management of special economic zones on RT Igor Nosov, director of state noncommercial organization «Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan» Ajnur Ajdeldinov. Technopark "Idea" presentation was spent by general director Sergey Yushko.

On termination of presentation general director AEB Professor Frank Shauff in Russia admitted that foreign 

investors are very happy with the relation to them in the Tatarstan and that does for them the power. «Representatives of the power not simply declare that they wish to involve actively investors, and help them. This purpose is served also similar today's by actions».

In regions and as a whole in the Russian Federation the economic situation leaves much to be desired. And in these conditions interest to the Tatarstan does not weaken because the republic develops also investment projects, programs which have been accepted even before crisis, today are realized.

In presentation also have taken part the director of Department of external relations – the state adviser of President RT for the international questions Timur Akulov fulfilling duties of plenipotentiary RT at the President of the Russian Federation Michael Stoljarov, the head of department of the international relations and plenipotentiary representation Rashid Tugushev economic relations, the ambassador of republic Hungary Georgi Gilian, the trading embassy secretary of Lithuania Vitalius Baranauskas and other officials.

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