Innovative Technopark “Idea” and Pardis Technological Park (Iran) signed Memorandum of Understanding.

13 july 2009

On the 13th of July Technopark “Idea” represented by Director-General Sergey Yushko and Pardis Technological Park (PTP) represented by chairman Mahdi Saffarinia signed the Memorandum of Understanding. Within the bounds of this Memorandum parties intend to enhance the new relationship, develop and intensify their technological, economic, industrial cooperation on the basis of mutual benefit, cooperate within the framework of the respective legislations in force in the two countries.

About PTP

PTP as the region’s technology paradise is located in Pardis area at a distance of 20 km in the northeast of the capital city of Tehran, with a panoramic view of Damavand Mountain. PTP is running under supervision of presidency of I.R.Iran by a board of directors with 14 members from ministries, academicians and scientific centers.

PTP already has more than 85 hi-tech companies working in the fields of ICT, Electronics, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, medical equipment, etc.

PTP is in the business of providing services, which include:

  • Creating new research opportunities along with development prospective toward strategic technologies such as Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Information Technology;

  • Constructing direct and close relations with other technology Parks around the world in order to mobilize fluid information flow;

  • Providing information, networking, consulting & Directing the process of commercialization of plans;

  • Connecting to the suppliers of technical knowledge and those who demand it;

  • Helping to facilitate the flow of exchange & transfer of technology;

  • Establishing and activating the working groups which are involved in commercialization, exchange and transfer of technology.

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