“Science days of department of management, economy and law”.

23 april 2009

Today conference of young scientists, postgraduates and students “Science days of department of management, economy and law” “Innovative development of modern Russia: management, economy and law” was held in Kazan state technological university (KSTU).

Dean of management, economy and law department of KSTU Andrei Touzikov, head of economy sub department Vilora Avilova and general director of Innovative Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko took part in plenary meeting of the conference.

Sergey Yushko presented to participants of the conference activity of
Technopark “Idea” and told about cooperation between Technopark, its residents and higher educational institutes.

Within the bounds of the conference next breakup groups worked:

  1. “Innovative police of state: ideology, directions, principles”

  2. “Innovation management in small- and middle-scale business”

  3. “Legal security of innovative activity”

  4. “Problems and perspectives of innovation economy in Russian Federationand regions”

  5. “Business-communication in the modern world”.

Source: tpidea.ru, kstu.ru
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