On the 28th of March contest of LEGO-construction and robotics was held in Innovative Technopark “Idea”.

30 march 2009

LEGO Education, “Innovative Technopark “Idea” OJSC and “Innovative decisions in education” LLC were organizers of contest. Agency of RT for mass communications “TATMEDIA” and ministry of education and science of RT were partners of this event.

This project aimed at popularization of LEGO-construction and robotics in Republicof Tatarstan, development of base engineering skills of children and youth, give opportunity for schools to organize high motivation educational activity on spatial construction, modeling and automatic management, and also will show availability of modern simulated tools and software.

Contest of LEGO-construction and robotics was held for the first time. 7 teams from Kazan schools participated in this contest. Average age of participants was 14. Everybody had prepared for the contest in Centre of LEGO-construction and robotics in Technopark “Idea” since January, 2009.

The contest was held in three age groups: Junior, Middle and Elder groups in such categories as triathlon, trajectory and billiards.

Regional contest of robots was first selection stage of International robot competitions. 3 champion teams of Regional robot contest will participate in second selection stage of International robot competitions on the 18th of April,2009 in Moscow.

Final stage of contests will be in South Korea in November of this year.

We hope for success of teams which will represent Republic of Tatarstan.

Source: tpidea.ru

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