Visit of delegation of telecommunications Ministry RF in the Republic of Tatarstan began with visitation of Innovative Technopark “Idea”.

27 january 2009

On the 27th of January the delegation of Ministry of telecommunications RF headed by director of public policy department in IT Artem Ermolaev visited Technopark “Idea”.

The delegation also included director of economy and finance department Alexander Narukavnikov and minister councilor for economic issues Sergey Lukashev.

The delegation visit in Technopark started from review excursion where Director-General of Technopark Sergey Yushko acquainted with “Idea” activity and its infrastructure. Representatives of telecommunication ministry also 

visited Scientific and Production Enterprise “GKS” and saw IT-park ground where project of IT-park realizes.

Artem Ermolaev said that within the bounds of visit in Kazan they will see technopolis “Himgrad” where also project of IT-park realizes in Tatarstan.

The project of IT-park creation was developed in 2006 and it realizes within the bounds of federal program “Creation of IT-technoparks in Russian Federation”.

It is supposed that representatives of telecommunications ministry of RF will study business plans, construction documents of project and list of potential anchor residents of new business ground.

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