ScienceTalks: meat from larvae, new compound feeds for fish and training of cells to “restore” the body

15 november 2021

Young scientists of Tatarstan actively present their developments to a wide audience. Graduate and senior students without schedules and formulas talk about their scientific developments, how these developments improve people’s lives and can even change their daily habits at an event called ScienceTalks in the Technopark “Idea”.

For example, Matvey Talan, a master’s student of the Faculty of Food Engineering of Kazan National Research Technological University, created an insectarium on the basis of Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine to isolate an alternative source of food and feed protein. Matvey is engaged in the cultivation of insects. At the moment, the technology of insect production has been worked out, and work is underway to isolate useful components, protein, fat and chitin. In the future, it is planned to establish production of biodiesel fuel and even antibiotics. This development will make it possible to obtain environmentally friendly raw materials without having negative impacts on nature. The project has received a number of awards and grants. At the moment, a patent and an application for the programme “Start” of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) are being prepared.

Maxim Gaevsky is a student of the third course of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, a finalist of the programme “UMNIK”. Maxim is working on the creation of a feed recipe for carp fish. He is engaged in the cultivation of insects, which will later be added to the feed after processing. This development will reduce the costs of farmers, and reduce the price of fish on the shelves. The advantages of protein are that it will be better in terms of environmental friendliness and will cost less than existing analogues.

Karina Khuziakhmetova from Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering told about how to create strong and reliable window frames at an affordable price. She said that her development, in which the fluidity of the PVC melt is reduced, has already been implemented in some enterprises. Moreover, the savings on technology alone is 15 percent. In addition, there are savings on components. At the performance, Karina presented a part of plastic and answered questions from the audience.

Andrey Izmailov from Kazan State Medical University told what a genome cell is and how, by influencing it, it is possible to treat serious diseases. Andrey has already conducted a test on a pig, proving that, in particular, it is possible to treat a number of spinal cord diseases that previously did not respond to treatment. As proof, a video is presented where a pig, which received a spinal cord injury and received treatment from Andrey, ran on a treadmill after the first injection. So far, tests on humans have not been conducted, due to the peculiarities of Russian legislation. However, even the first tests are encouraging and indicate that millions of people will probably be able to get out of wheelchairs and move independently in the future.

Traditionally, the best speaker of the month was chosen by ScienceTalks listeners. According to the results of the voting, Karina Khuziakhmetova was recognized as the best speaker of November.

Those who want to improve their performance skills and popularize their project can contact the Technopark “Idea” by writing to the e-mail: Before the performance, each speaker goes through the school of public speaking from the Technopark “Idea”, where he learns to present a project in the stand-up format.

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