Young erudites identified in Tatarstan

23 april 2021

Today, the XII Republican competition “Erudite of Tatarstan” was held in the Technopark “Idea”. The 100 best participants from different cities and districts of the republic, schoolchildren of 5-11 grades, passed to the final. At the full-time stage, young Tatarstan citizens were welcomed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Kev Salikhov, CEO of the Technopark “Idea” Oleg Ibragimov, Director of the Lyceum named after N.I. Lobachevsky Tatiana Bespalova and others.

Kev Salikhov in his welcoming speech noted that it is very important for a person to dream: “Everything is in your hands! More perseverance, dream, dare and you will succeed!”

Tatyana Bespalova recalled that in different years, participants from different schools, cities and regions won: “Everyone has the opportunity to show their knowledge at the competition”.

Oleg Ibragimov spoke about the importance of the competition: “Erudite of Tatarstan is a great opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge within the framework of the competition, as well as to get acquainted with the activities of the Technopark and resident companies located on its territory. Each of you will have the opportunity to visit some companies today”.

During the competition, participants answered questions in the field of biology, chemistry, economics, physics, history, astronomy, etc. Separately, the Technopark “Idea” has been holding a nomination “Nano-IQ” for 10 years, designed to increase interest in innovative activities. The winners of the “Nano-IQ 2021” became students of the Lyceum named after N.I. Lobachevsky Vitaly Gusamov (the 1st place), Alexander Yakovlev (the 2nd place) and Nail Islamov (the 3rd place).

Participants of the competition also got acquainted with the activities of the Technopark, resident companies located on its premises, as well as the capabilities of a laboratory “Nanoanalytics”. In particular, schoolchildren saw a production system of patient robots, were able to touch a real piece of a meteorite and learned about what research is being carried out on various high-tech equipment.

According to the results of the competition, prizes were awarded and the erudites of Tatarstan were announced.

Recall that “Erudite of Tatarstan” is the intellectual interdisciplinary competition that includes a set of test tasks for the 1st correspondence round in the following academic subjects: Russian language, literature, mathematics, geography, chemistry, biology, physics, history, social studies, English.

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