An action on water quality control was held in the Technopark “Idea”

13 april 2021

33 bottles of water were tested on 36 indicators in the framework of the annual campaign “What kind of water do you drink?” in the Technopark “Idea”. Traditionally, the event was held free of charge for residents. The only condition for participation was the need to bring water in a bottle of 0.5 liters. Further, experts checked the liquid according to such criteria as hardness, pH level, elemental composition, etc. in the laboratories “NanoAnalytics” located in the Technopark “Idea”.

All results were sent by e-mail to the applicants.

According to the residents, such an opportunity allows to find out the quality of drinking water, as well as the effectiveness of the installed filters: “Personally, I brought two bottles of water: one from the tap, the second was after a filter. It was interesting to find out how different they are”, - said one of the participants of the action.

The laboratory specialists explained that the water after the reverse osmosis filter is essentially similar to distilled water and does not carry useful substances. According to the research of doctors, such water washes away macro components from the body (there are articles available on the Internet). First of all, calcium and magnesium are removed from the bones and they become brittle and brittle.

Therefore, when using the reverse osmosis filter in the future, it is recommended to install a mineralizer or leave the first stages of the filter for cleaning from mechanical impurities.

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