Technopark “Idea” is included in the list of regional development institutions

4 december 2020

The corresponding order was signed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin. The document assumes that the Technopark will be able to finance projects, including through state support. Previously, the Technopark used its own funds, as well as the Foundation to Assistance of Innovation, to finance projects.

“As a rule, Technopark “Idea” does not use budget funds in its activities. Therefore, we seek funds from funds and other investors for the development of new projects developed by entrepreneurs. With the implementation of this order, an opportunity should appear that will increase the chances of innovative entrepreneurs to develop their projects”, - explained Oleg Ibragimov, CEO of the Technopark.

It should be noted that the list of regional development institutions also includes IT park, Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, Tatarstan Scientific and Technical Information Center and the Entrepreneurship Support Fund.

Recall that according to the Federal law of 31 July 2020 N 309-FZ “An institution of innovative development is a commercial or non-commercial organization (its legal successor), created (including by reorganization) and (or) operating on the basis of Federal law, rules or orders of the President of the Russian Federation, act of the Government of the Russian Federation, the law or other regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, is the recipient of state support funds in permitted by law of the Russian Federation form..”.

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