The Qualifications Assessment Center of Technopark “Idea” introduces more and more students into the profession

13 november 2020

Today within the framework of the project the next professional exam “Entrance to the profession” was held at the Vyatka State University (Kirov). Participants are university students studying in areas related to the development and production of nanostructured coatings. The students passed the theoretical and practical parts of the professional exam on the “entrance qualifications”: “Assistant technologist for the production of polymer nanostructured films, 6 qualification level” and “Assistant engineer for technical support for the production of polymer nanostructured films, 6 qualification level”.

It should be noted that the professional exam “Entrance to the profession” is a professional exam based on the use of assessment tools adapted for university and college students studying in areas related to the nanoindustry, and the admission of students to it without taking into account the qualification requirements related to the presence of professional experience.

Specialists from organizations that produce nanostructured coatings and polymer nanostructured films together with representatives of educational organizations that train specialists in this type of professional activity, defined the requirements for “entrance qualifications to assess the readiness of students for work.

According to certain requirements, a group of experts of the Qualifications Assessment Center developed draft names of entrance qualifications and sets of assessment tools for conducting an independent assessment of students.

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