Scientific stand-up will be held at the Technopark “Idea”

11 november 2020

Heated scientific battles will be held on November 12, 2020 at 4:00 pm in the Technopark “Idea” within the framework of Science Talks – a series of events where young scientists compete in the skill of presenting their own project and development. This is the sixth time a similar event takes place in the Technopark and is aimed at popularizing science.

Among speakers will be students and postgraduates of the Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU), who will present projects for the targeted delivery of medicines, methods for cleaning oil-containing systems, specific fluorescent thermometers, etc.

According to the results of performances, a winner is determined among the audience by SMS voting. At the end of the year, the final Science Talks will take place, where winners of all series will meet and a winner of the Cup and the best scientific stand-up will be determined.

As a reminder, earlier, during the event students presented a handmade bag made of flexible carbon fiber and the possibilities of clothing made from a membrane polymer film.

Accreditation of journalists: (Alsou)

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