A delegation from the Moscow region visited Technopark “Idea”

5 november 2020

Today representatives of the Noginsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Moscow Region) have paid a working visit to the Technopark “Idea”. The delegation includes Director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Magomet Sakalov, project manager Vera Prasol, representative of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Bogorodsk Urban District, Executive Director Marina Kozina, and others.

General Director of the Technopark Oleg Ibragimov spoke about the history of the Idea’s creation and introduced the main results of its activities.

Magomet Sakalov said that they plan to create a certain center in their district, where it would be comfortable for enterprises and businesses of the area and they are interested in the issue of cooperation between the state and business, in particular, interaction with investors and shareholders.

Oleg Ibragimov spoke about the specifics of interaction with shareholders and performance criteria.

At the end of the meeting, the guests got acquainted with the activities of resident companies of the Technopark.

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