Semifinalists of the program «UMNIK» are determined in Kazan

22 october 2020

A competition: “Crash test of projects: from “Eureka” to Practice!” was held in the Technopark “Idea”. The jury headed by the General Director of the Technopark Oleg Ibragimov evaluated 6 projects in the online mode. The competition was attended by students, postgraduates, young scientists, innovators, entrepreneurs and employees of high-tech companies aged 18 to 30 years. Among them are representatives of the Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, the Kazan National Research Technological University, the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University and the Kazan State Power Engineering University.

The works of the participants of the competition were devoted to various topics, in particular, the development of polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries based on polyurethane ionomers, the development of a biologically active additive and technology of its application to increase the therapeutic potential of biomedical cell products using biosimilar microvesicles, etc.

According to the results of the competition, the semifinalists will receive a ticket to the final. In the future, these developments will be studied by the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation, which will give the best grants in the amount of 500 thousand rubles.


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