The acceptance of applications for the competition of innovative projects has started

11 august 2020

The Foundation for Assistance to the development of small forms of enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere has announced the start of selection for the competition “Socium-CT” (Social Distancing, Study and Medicine). It is aimed at supporting enterprises planning to refine and (or) scale their own digital solutions, products or platforms, create or expand the production of innovative products.

Applications for the competition will be accepted until August 31, 2020 on the website: Innovative projects will be selected in the following nominations:

1. Social distancing ˗ solutions for ensuring physical distance between people and maintaining self-isolation during the spread of an infectious disease.

2. Work ˗ solutions for distance work and online employment.

3. Learning ˗ solutions for distance learning.

4. Leisure ˗ solutions for leisure, gaming services.

5. Healthcare ˗ systems for diagnostics, health monitoring, vaccination, and telemedicine.

6. Recommendation services ˗ solutions for recommending and targeting content and technologies for them.

7. Communication services ˗ messengers, social networks, video hosting platforms and technologies for them.

8. Content generation ˗ services and platforms for generating and creating information content and technologies for them.

9. Online services ˗ services and platforms for providing services online and / or providing transition to online.

The project implementation period should be from 12 to 18 months from the date of conclusion of the grant agreement. Priority is given to projects with a large target audience coverage, scalability potential and expected social impact.

The winners will receive grant support, the maximum amount of the grant provided by the Foundation is 20 million rubles.

The Regulation on the competitive selection of enterprises / organizations of the event participating in the event can be found at the link

The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, as an authorized executive body in the field of innovation and development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Republic of Tatarstan, provides assistance to applicants by sending letters of support for projects to the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation.

Contact phone number for consulting support: +7 (843) 524-91-39, 524-90-40, Department of Innovation Activity.

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