Applications for the Open Innovations Startup Tour project competition are accepted until March 1, 2020

28 february 2020

The regional stage of the All-Russian Open Innovations Startup Tour will be held in Innopolis on March 11 and 12, 2020. The winners of the startup competition will receive invitations to Startup Village, the largest conference for technology entrepreneurs in Russia and the CIS. Acceptance of applications for the competition will end on March 1, 2020.

Within the framework of the Startup Tour, experts from the Skolkovo Foundation and other leading development institutions will share their experience with technological entrepreneurs, representatives of government, business, science and education will discuss the implementation of the national program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” in Tatarstan.

Airat Khairullin, Minister of Digital Development of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan: “The sphere of high technologies in Tatarstan is becoming more massive and attractive. Today, almost 3,000 companies are employed in the IT segment of the republic, providing 43 thousand jobs. The region has all the conditions for the development of high-tech projects. It is no coincidence that we created the first Russian IT city Innopolis. Tatarstan has already entered the digital stage of its development, and in the coming years, digitalization will affect all areas of life. Eventually, the “figure” should benefit the residents of the republic and improve their well-being”.

The central action of the event will be a competition of innovative projects. This year it is held in three areas - information technologies, industrial and energy technologies, biotechnologies in medicine and agriculture. Contestants will compete for a cash prize and the opportunity to participate in the program “Start”, which allows receiving 2 million rubles for the development of the project from the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation.

Pekka Viljakainen, member of the Board of Directors of the Skolkovo Foundation: “In each region a winner of the Grand finals of the Startup Tour receives 300 thousand rubles and a ticket to the semifinal of the competition, which will take place in Skolkovo as part of the Startup Village conference. In addition, some startups manage to find private investors for their companies at the event site. But still, in my opinion, money is not the main reason for participating in our competition. I always tell entrepreneurs that new knowledge, interesting acquaintances, exchange of experience will help the development of their project better than any money”.

Technological entrepreneurs not only from Tatarstan, but also from other regions can take part in the Startup Tour competition. To do this, you must register on the official website of the project and leave a request in your personal account before the end of the day on March 1, 2020.

Open Innovations Startup Tour is the largest project in Russia and the CIS countries, aimed at spreading the culture of technological entrepreneurship and identifying promising innovative projects. Since 2011, it has visited 95 cities, experts have reviewed more than 15,000 applications submitted to the competition. The main goal of the road show is the development of technological entrepreneurship through stimulating the growth of local investment communities, technoparks and venture capital businesses. In 2020, Open Innovations Startup Tour will visit Vladivostok, Arkhangelsk, Ivanovo, Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Innopolis, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Tomsk, and Krasnodar. The organizers are the Skolkovo Foundation and  Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Skolkovo Forum”. Participation in the event is free of charge. Registration is required.

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