Kazan schoolchildren study nanotechnology

17 january 2020

Students of Lyceum No. 5 of Kazan visited the Technopark “Idea” today. Pupils of the chemical and physical class studied the activities of the laboratory complex “NanoAnalytics”, and also got acquainted with a company “Eidos” - a resident of the Technopark “Idea”.

In particular, the guys studied the activities of the laboratories of [-ray analysis methods, mass spectrometry and spectrophotometry, gas and liquid chromatography. The laboratory staff introduced the children not only to the capacity of the equipment, but also presented the range of work carried out on it.

“Eidos” showed students the development and production cycle of simulation robots from mechanical parts to innovative systems. The guys also visited the Laser Center of the Republic of Tatarstan, where they got acquainted with the methods of laser processing of materials, including laser engraving and cutting.

The schoolchildren’s visit was organized by Technopark “Idea” and the Centre for Youth Innovative Creativity “Idea” in the framework of teaching children career-oriented work and in collaboration with the Worldskills Union. Similar activities will be carried out systematically in the new year for students of Kazan high school.

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