Roszdravnadzor laboratory for conformity assessment of medical devices can be created in the Technopark “Idea”

5 november 2019

The prospects of cooperation between Technopark “Idea” and the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor) have been discussed today with the General Director of the All-Russian Research and Testing Institute of medical technology Denis Sharikadze and the General Director of the Information and Methodological Centre for examination, accounting and analysis of circulation of medical devices of Roszdravnadzor Konstantin Belanov.

The delegation of Roszdravnadzor got acquainted with the fleet of equipment of the Nanotechnology centre laboratories, the possibilities of its use, as well as a team of specialists authorized to work with devices.

The laboratory will evaluate the quality of medical products from bandages and packaging to prostheses and pharmaceuticals. According to the results of research the products will receive a certificate of the state sample.

CEO of the Technopark Oleg Ibragimov noted that when creating the laboratory of this level on the site of the Nanocentre, its infrastructure will receive additional accreditation in the federal system of Federal Service for Accreditation (Rosaccreditation), and the staff will receive additional competencies in the field of medical research.


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