Vladimir Razumov studied the activities of Technopark “Idea”

26 october 2019

The story of the formation and activities of “Idea” was recently presented to Vladimir Razumov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board and member of the Board of Directors of PJSC “SIBUR Holding”. He visited the Technopark accompanied by the General Director of JSC “Tatneftekhiminvest-holding” Rafinat Yarullin and the rector of KNITU Sergey Yushko.

Vladimir Razumov got acquainted with the basic principles of the Technopark and studied the activities of the Laboratory complex “Nanoanalitika”.

During his visit to Tatarstan, he also visited the Kazan National Research Technological University (Kazan Chemical and Technological Institute), where he discussed the prospects for cooperation in the field of educational and research activities.

SIBUR is the largest petrochemical company in Russia. The peculiarity of the activity lies in the fact that petrochemical enterprises are mainly provided with raw materials of their own production, obtained on the basis of by-products of hydrocarbon production purchased from oil and gas companies.

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