Technopark “Idea” became a member of the Russian Union of Chemists

20 september 2019

Technopark “Idea” became a member of the Russian Union of enterprises and organizations of the chemical complex (employers).

The Union of Chemists is a non-profit organization that unites enterprises in the chemical sector, industry research, design and educational institutions.

“We have applied for certification of the Qualification Assessment Center of the Technopark “Idea” in the field of chemistry and biotechnology and, taking into account our experience in developing the national qualification system, we were included as an enterprise in the Union”, -  explained Oksana Lampsi , the head of the Center.

It should be noted that at the moment about 600 enterprises, organizations and associations are members of the Russian Union of enterprises and organizations of the chemical complex. For several years, the Union of Chemists has been working closely with the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA), the European Union of Chemical Industry (CEFIC) and other international organizations.

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