Technopark “Idea” and the Russian Union of Chemists agreed to cooperate

3 september 2019

Deputy Executive Director of the Russian Union of Chemists Maria Ivanova, Head of the Qualification Assessment Centre in the Nanoindustry of Technopark “Idea” Oksana Lampsi, and Head of Department of Qualifications Development of the Kama Innovation and Territorial Cluster Alexey Zinoviev discussed features of the implementation of the project of the organization of the Chemical and Biological Complex Qualification Assessment Centre in the Republic of Tatarstan at the Technopark “Idea” yesterday.

It should be noted that Maria Ivanova’s visit to Tatarstan took place within the framework of the Tatarstan Petrochemical and Chemical Forum, which involved 180 industry companies and enterprises from 31 regions of Russia and 23 countries of the near and far abroad.

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