Residents of Nanograd decide cases from the leading enterprises of the country

9 july 2019

A business case from Technopark “Idea” is decided by residents of Nanograd. The forum, which started on June 29, 2019 in Khanty-Mansiysk, brought together more than 350 participants, including 215 schoolchildren and students from 22 regions of the country. For 10 days, they worked together with teachers, scientists, engineers and techno entrepreneurs from different cities of Russia to solve real problems and tasks of industrial enterprises. Among the cases were the tasks posed by Technopark “Idea”. Rector of the Kazan National Research Technological University Sergey Yushko was on the protection of projects on the Technopark case called “The use of sorbents in oil spills. The improvement of the properties and functionality of the sorbent STRG”. He studied the projects and also noted that the ideas born by schoolchildren during the work of the internship sites are planned to be applied in the future activities of the companies.


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