The Qualification Assessment Centre (QAC) expands its functionality

5 july 2019

QAC was selected to conclude a contract for the execution of works on the topic: “Implementing a pilot project to expand the portfolio of services provided by the Center for the Assessment of Qualifications in the Nanoindustry”. The customer is an Interindustry Association of Nanoindustry.

It is expected that when concluding the contract, QAC will have to organize and conduct training of employees of enterprises (companies) of the nanoindustry or related high-tech industries to undergo independent assessment of qualifications, introduce provisions of industry professional standards into educational programs of universities (colleges), design qualifications for the employer's order, etc.

Note that all works are carried out in order to implement the Subprogram “Development of the qualification assessment system: the quality of infrastructure, management and promotion” (Program for Direction 2.1. “Ensuring the development of the infrastructure of qualification assessment in the nanoindustry”) of the Program “Development of the vocational qualification assessment system in nanoindustry for the period 2019 - 2021 years”.

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