Visit of Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova to Russia, Vasile Sturza, to Kazan began with Technopark “Idea”.

18 april 2008

Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova to Russia, Vasile Sturza with one day visit arrived in Kazan.

The visit has introductory property and is aimed at trade and economic contacts expansion and improvement of relationship between the Republics of Moldova and Tatarstan. Within the framework of the short-term visit Mr. Sturza meets with Director of the Department of external relations of RT President -State counsellor in the event of President of the Republic of Tatarstan on international issues - Akulov Timur. Also in the programme of the visit of Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary is the meeting with Minister of industry and commerce, A.Kogogin and the Heads of Ministry of agriculture and food of RT.

Acquainting with innovative activity in the republic began at Technopark “Idea”. Deputy Director for innovations of Technopark “Idea” conducted a review excursion in Technopark, finished with review presentation of “Idea” activities, its achievements and plans for the future.

Mr. Ambassador Vasile Sturza highly appreciated “Idea” experience in bringing-up personnel for innovative activity, creating and development of innovative infrastructure and positively evaluated achievements of the Republic ofTatarstan in the sphere of innovative technologies. He identified Technoparks’ activity as extremely important in the sphere of high technology for economic conversion to innovative way of development and expressed a desire to visit a unique ground of Tatarstan once again in the compose of Governmental delegation from the Republic of Moldova.

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