Hackathon has started in Kazan within the framework of “Digital Breakthrough” competition

15 june 2019

Today, the second wave of hackathons has started in Kazan and in four other Russian cities as part of the “Digital Breakthrough” competition of a platform “Russia is the Country of Opportunities”. The event gathered about 200 participants in the capital of Tatarstan.

IT specialists – participants of the hackathon were greeted by special guests: Deputy Prime Minister for the Digital Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Roman Shaikhutdinov, Deputy CEO of the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “Russia is the Country of Opportunities” Vladislav Davankov, Rector of the Kazan National research Technological University, representative of the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation in Tatarstan Sergey Yushko and others. The experts wished the participants fair struggle and good luck.

Note that during the hackathon, teams of participants consisting of 3-5 people will develop prototypes of digital products within 36 hours.

According to the results, projects will be selected, the authors of which will take part in the final competitions. The winners of the final stage will receive grants for the implementation of projects. Among the grantors will be the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation.

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