Results of the competition “Innovative polygon–2018 “Tatarstan – Territory of the future” summed up in Kazan

3 june 2019

A solemn awarding ceremony of the winners of the V Republican contest of youth innovation projects “Tatarstan - Territory of the Future” was held at the Kazan National Research Technological University. The competition brought together almost a hundred participants from different cities and regions of Tatarstan. The winners were identified in 4 nominations. CEO of the Technopark “Idea” Oleg Ibragimov awarded the winners in the nomination “The Best Innovative Idea”. In the framework of this nomination, the first place was taken by a team of the lyceum-boarding school for gifted children with in-depth study of chemistry, second place was taken by students of school No. 9 with in-depth study of English in Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan, and third place was taken by school No. 77 of Aviastroitelny district of Kazan.


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