Hurry up to participate in the competition “Science and Business”

19 may 2019

Collection of applications for the Republican competition of innovative projects of young scientists “Science and Business” is being held in Kazan.

Students, graduate students, young scientists, research assistants aged 18 to 30 years old who are citizens of the Russian Federation are invited to participate.

“Science and Business” is held to stimulate innovation, support the best innovative projects carried out by young scientists, strengthen the relationship of universities with the real sector of the economy and transform existing knowledge, skills and technologies in the scientific environment into real applied technical and technological solutions of industrial enterprises.

Competition nominations:

1. “Start in business” - mature projects aimed at the implementation research and development projects and having requests to the enterprises of the Kama cluster.

Participants: students, graduate students, young scientists, researchers from the age of 18 and older, representatives of a team.

In the framework of the nomination, work is carried out with enterprises on the platform of “INNOSCOPE” of the Association “KITPK”.

2. “Perspective innovative project” – projects of an early stage of development aimed at the implementation of research.

Participants: students, graduate students, young scientists, researchers in the age of from 18 years to 30 years, who are citizens of the Russian Federation.

Within the framework of the nomination, the selection for the Semifinal event of the program “UMNIK” of the x Foundation for Assistance to Foundation is held

• Directions of the competition in the nominations:

• information technology;

• modern materials and technologies of its creation;

• new devices and hardware systems;

resource-saving energy.

Key dates:

- Registration of participants for the competition (filling in the registration form in accordance with Annex 1 of the regulations on the competition by e-mail: or filling in the form) - until May 22, 2019.

- Submission of applications for the competition in nominations - until May 22, 2019.

- Full-time defense of projects and summing up will be held May 27, 2019 (based on the NHTI in Nizhnekamsk). The transfer will be organized May 27, 2019: Kazan-Nizhnekamsk-Kazan.

The competition is held by “KNITU”, NHTI “KNITU”, Kama Innovative Territorial-Production Cluster and Technopark “Idea”.

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