“Сhemical Extreme” is in the Technopark “Idea”

14 april 2019

On April 13, 2019 Technopark “Idea” was hosted a tournament for schoolchildren called “Chemical Extreme”, which was attended by 8th graders of the Lyceum-boarding school for gifted children with in-depth study of chemistry at KNRTU.

“Chemical Extreme” is a team competition in which participants can express themselves and show their knowledge in the field of chemistry. The tournament consists of two games: “chemical domino” and “chemical mosaic”.

The tournament was very interesting and difficult. Based on the results of each game, teams were rated. The competition was very high: 30 teams (four people in each) of several Kazan schools competed. Chemical Lyceum has four teams. According to the results of the first round, our guys took the 1st and 3rd places, and according to the results of the second - the 3rd place.

All the tasks of the tournament were compiled by teachers who were trained in the Educational Centre “Sirius” and prepare the winners and prize-winners in chemistry competitions.

The organizers of the tournament were the University of Talents, gymnasium No. 19 and the Lyceum-boarding school No. 2 of Kazan, and curators were the department of educational and project activities of students of KNRTU.

Following the results, the winning teams were awarded, and all chemistry teachers who prepared the participants received letters of thanks.

Photo and text: KNRTU-KKHTI press service

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