A program “Entrance to the profession” was discussed in the Technopark

21 march 2019

Today, the first meeting of the working group to discuss the program “Entrance to the profession” has been held today in the Technopark “Idea”. The program is conducted for graduates of the Kazan Technological College and the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of the Kazan National Research Technological University.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Center for the Qualification Assessment of the Technopark “Idea”, a company “Tekhstroy”, plant “Elecon”, the Kazan Powder Plant, the Kazan National Research Technological University and the Kazan Technological College.

As a result of the meeting, a joint work plan was developed for the Center for the Qualifications Assessment, enterprises and KNRTU on the adaptation of independent assessment tools to the final state attestation. Graduates-participants of the program “Entrance to the profession” will be able to confirm their professional skills and receive, along with a diploma of education, a certificate confirming their qualifications.

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