Giving gifts on our birthday is a good tradition of Technopark “Idea”. In honor of the 15th anniversary of the Technopark, competitions in social networks and bowling tournament among resident companies were organized.
Итак, в инстаграм-конкурсе победителями стали Раиль Хуснутдинов, Гузель Хуснимаранова и Альфия Исламова
So, in the Instagram contest the winners are Rail Khusnutdinov, Guzel Khusnimaranova and Alfiya Islamova.
The bowling tournament brought together more than 60 participants who competed in 21 teams. According to the results of the 3-hour game, the prizes were distributed as follows:
1) STP
2) Centre for Trasfer Technology
3) Globus-M
Technopark team thanks all the participants and congratulates the winners!