Javier Echarri congratulates Technopark "Idea"

5 february 2019

My first encounter with Sergey Yushko in 2017, who was then CEO of TECHNOPARK IDEA, confirmed what I had learned during my years in the Venture Capital world, that there is in Kazan a very strong willingness to support entrepreneurship and innovation. The same energy and strong ideas are being put forward by the new CEO, Oleg Ibragimov who clearly stands strong in the search for high performance of your EU|BIC. I am very honored to count with TP Idea as one of our certified members, the first EU|BIC in the Russian Federation. By promoting the EU|BIC label beyond the European Union and making the network stronger with the participation of Science and Technology Parks as yours, you definitely bring added value to our community for the benefit of your client companies and all of us. Congratulations for those 15 years in supporting new innovative ideas, and let’s cheer for 15 more to come.

Javier Echarri


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