The All-Russian Competition of Scientific and Technical Creativity has started

9 january 2019

Talented schoolchildren and students who are fond of scientific and technical creativity and the implementation of innovative projects are invited to participate in the competition “SHUSTRIK” (a schoolboy who knows how to build innovative designs). Applications may be submitted by students of general education institutions, primary vocational education, secondary vocational education, and higher vocational education (up to 18 years old). It is necessary to specify proposals for the practical use of a project, specifications, attach photos and video layout.

The organizer of the All-Russian competition of scientific and technical creativity “SHUSTRIK” is the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation of Small Enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere.

Applications are accepted by e-mail: until March 22, 2019.

You can familiarize yourself with the Regulations and Tasks in the relevant sections on the official website

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