Hurry up to apply!

7 november 2018

To date, applications are being collected in 5 directions:

  1. “UMNIK–AeroNet”. Applications are accepted until November 9, 2018. A final is scheduled for December 14, 2018 at Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
  2.  “UMNIK–MariNet”. Applications are accepted until November 18, 2018. A final is scheduled for December 14, 2018 at the site of the organization of one of the key members of the working group Marinet. The exact address of the site will be determined later.
  3. “UMNIK–AutoNet”. Applications are accepted until November 12, 2018. A final is scheduled for December 5, 2018 at Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI).
  4. “UMNIK–NeroNet”. Applications are accepted until November 9, 2018. A final is scheduled for December 3, 2018 at the site of “Boiling point of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives” (Moscow).
  5. “UMNIK–HealthNet». Applications are accepted until November 18, 2018. A final is scheduled for December 8, 2018 at the site of “Boiling point of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives” (Moscow).

You can apply and find all the necessary information at:

Approval of the results of all competitions “UMNIK-NTI”, held in 2018, is scheduled for January–February 2019.

The winners of the program “UMNIK-NTI” will receive a grant in the amount of 500 thousand rubles for 2 years.

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