A United Credit Center has started its work

3 september 2018

The Center is a structural subdivision of the Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, the main purpose of which is to assist small and medium-sized businesses in attracting debt financing for entrepreneurial activities.

Applying to the Center, entrepreneurs can apply for raising loan funds to the partner banks of the Fund (41 banks) in electronic form and the bank’s office will be visited only if the application for a loan is approved for the purpose of signing the loan agreement. This will allow entrepreneurs to reduce both temporary and financial costs for visiting banks’ offices.

The Center’s services are especially important for entrepreneurs engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan and wishing to take a loan from banks not represented on the territory of the municipality.

In addition, the employees of the Center carry out constant monitoring of bank products for small and medium-sized businesses and are ready to assist entrepreneurs in choosing the optimal loan product, to consult on special offers of banks for small and medium-sized businesses.

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