Receipt of applications for competitions of the Foundation for Assistance to Innovation has started

10 april 2018

Applications are accepted for two new competitions under the programs “Development-NTI” (deadline May 21, 2018) and “START-NTI” (deadline May 31, 2018) by the end of May 2018.

The purpose of the competitions is to support R&D in order to implement the action plans (“road maps”) of the National Technological Initiative (hereinafter referred to as NTI road maps) in the following areas: Aeronet; AutoNet; Marinet; Neuronet; Technet; Helsnet; Energynet; Circular motion.

Within the framework of the competition, it is planned to select projects that involve R&D in order to implement NTI road maps approved by the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Modernization of the Economy and Innovative Development of Russia.

The amount of the grant under the “Development-NTI” program is up to 20 million rubles, under the “START-NTI” program - up to 3 million rubles.

You can apply through the automated system at:

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