“Umniks” of Tatarstan presented their activities

22 march 2018

The meeting of the regional jury of the program “Umnik” was held on March 20, 2018 in the Technopark “Idea”. Experts heard 19 out of 35 projects, which last year became winners of the program “Umnik”. Note that the program assumes financing of development (up to the level of commercial application) of the scientific and technical idea for two years. The volume of financing is 250 thousand rubles annually. Selection for the first and second years of participation in the program is carried out on a competitive basis.

Authors-winners of the first year presented the results of the activity for the reporting year and told about the prospects of the project implementation. As a result of the hearings, 15 out of 19 projects were recommended for further funding under the program.

Among the winners of last year, the remaining 16 projects will be heard in June.

Recall, the main goal of the program “Umnik” is to identify young scientists striving for self-actualization through innovative activities, and to stimulate mass participation of young people in scientific, technical and innovative activity through organizational and financial support of innovative projects.

Individuals from 18 to 28 years inclusive (usually students, graduate students, young researchers) who are selected on accredited program activities can become participants in the program. Every year around 1,000 projects are selected in the country.

The number of prize places is not determined in advance and depends on the quality level of each work and the ability of the selection participant to present its project.

The decision to continue participation (transition to the second year) is taken by the Expert Council, taking into account the results of the work of the Program participant within the first year and subject to the fulfillment of all the requirements of the Program.

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