Interview of Andrey Svinarenko: “From the market of resumes to the market for qualifications”

15 february 2018

In the published interview, Andrey Svinarenko, Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC “Rusnano”, gives details of the activities and main tasks of the Council for Professional Qualifications in the Nanoindustry, the Foundation for Infrastructure and Educational Programs, as well as answers to questions about the process of forming a national qualifications system, on current trends in the development of the labor market and the system of independent assessment of qualifications.

Here are a few key thesis of the interview:

“You can not go to the digital economy without having a description of the production architecture of both traditional and new markets. The first step is to standardize professional activity”.

“To date, a significant number of new professions in the field of nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, nanomaterials and standardization of innovative products have been created by the joint efforts of the professional community”.

 “It is important that the qualification assessment system not only confirms the knowledge and skills of specialists, but also motivates them to raise it. In this case, the cost of passing an independent assessment of qualifications can be seen by workers as an investment in their development and career potential”.

Published interview is here

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