Technopark “IDEA” is to manage the projects, which had won in the Program “IDEA-1000”.

9 january 2008

State non-profit organization “Investment and venture fund of the Republic of Tatarstan” has announced the management companies, which will be in charge of implementing the projects-winners of the Program “Idea-1000” in the nomination “Youth innovative project”.

Two management companies were selected to operate and control the projects-winners realization. There are “Innovative Technopark “IDEA” OJSC and private autonomy non-profit organization “Research Center OMEGA of Kazanstate technological university named by Tupolev”.

The main purpose of the management companies selecting is to promote developing the infrastructure for commercialization the projects of small businesses in the scientific and technical sphere. Besides the projects implementing administration, the management companies will conduct the works within the project: “Creating the Center of engineering and commercialization of the results of research and development activities”


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