The Foundation for the Assistance of Innovation announced the beginning of accepting applications from small enterprises under the “cooperation” program

5 july 2017

The program “Cooperation” is aimed at the development of partnership between small enterprises and Industrial partners.

An obligatory condition for participation in the program is the existence of an Agreement concluded between a small enterprise and an Industrial Partner, which determines the procedure for their interaction during R & D, the procedure and conditions for co-financing R & D, the procedure and conditions for the purchase by an Industrial Partner of products / services created by R & D, and other conditions.

The main parameters of the competition:

  • Direction of expenses - performance of R & D on the terms of reference agreed upon by the Industrial partner with the aim of developing new kinds of science and intensive products.
  • The R & D period is 18 or 24 months.
  • Participants are small enterprises under Federal Law No. 209-FZ of July 24, 2007, which do not have open contracts with the Foundation.

Contact persons of the contest:

Vyacheslav Demchenko

Igor Zagidulin

Applications are accepted from 10:00 (Moscow time) on June 30, 2017 to 10:00 (Moscow time) on August 15, 2017.

In addition, we remind that the receipt of applications under the programs “START-1” and “START-2” continues.

The program is aimed at creating new and supporting existing small innovative enterprises seeking to develop and master the production of new products, technologies or services using the results of their own scientific, technical and technological research, which are at an early stage of development and have significant commercialization potential.

You can apply for contests through the Fund-M automated system at:

To get acquainted with the position of the competitions, please visit

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